4 Reasons Why Healthcare Professionals Make the Best Medical Writers 

💡Here are 4 reasons why #healthcareprofessionals (HCPs) make the best #medicalwriters .

  1. We understand “complex” medical terminology – it’s a given really.
  2. We are our own target audience, mostly.
  3. Referencing is a pain in the backside for everyone.
  4. We’re pretty bad at design. And that’s good.

🩺We understand “complex” medical terminology – it’s a given really.

We’ve spent years studying all things medicine. We understand the longest and most complex of medical words, and on a daily basis we break these down for our patients. Who says we can’t do the same on (e)paper?

🦻We are our own target audience, mostly.

The majority of medical material produced, particularly promotional pharmaceutical content, is aimed at healthcare professionals. We’ve had our fair share of pharmaceutical reps handing us content to read. It makes sense that we’re the ones involved in what they’re saying.

📝Referencing is a pain in the backside for everyone.

When writing medical content, you must make sure that you can substantiate everything you write down. Healthcare professionals know where to access the most credible resources to help produce safer content.

👨‍💻We’re pretty bad at design. And that’s good.

Medical information should be clear and concise. We don’t want to be worrying about how pretty something should look, and so we won’t spend hours of our time trying to perfect its appearance. We’re proud of the words written on the document. The rest we leave in the hands of design.

If you’re a healthcare professional who’s considering a career in medical writing, then feel free to drop me a direct message (DM) on LinkedIn or throw in a little introductory message into our inbox, I’m more than happy to help!

P.S. I don’t mean to offend my design friends. I love ALL things pretty.


Original post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hassan-thwaini-878441138_4-reasons-why-hcps-make-the-best-medical-activity-6990942454061395968-3nNt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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