So how many types of #MedicalWriting are there, and which one is right for you?
🌟 The best way to find out is by trying out many different types of medical writing. You can speak to other people about their experiences in different medical writing roles, and this can help you decide which type of medical writing you want to try first. (Ask a medical writer in our free community on LinkedIn)
🏋🏻♀️ Think about your strengths and weaknesses, and your ability to learn new skills and adapt – you will always get better at your job, even if it’s just a little bit each day.
🎨 Try promotional writing, such as marketing or #MedicalCopywriting, if you enjoy storytelling and being creative.
📚 Go for educational medical writing if you enjoy teaching and organising information from which people can easily learn.
💊 📱 If you’re interested in the medicines approval process, check out regulatory writing at a pharmaceutical company, or even a health brand looking to create #MedicalDevices or #DigitalHealth products like #HealthApps.
🧠 You can do anything you set your mind to – and everything is “figure-out-able”!
#MedicalWriter #MedicalWriters