Would you rather be a successful medical writer that has the potential to land higher paying clients NOW, or in like, I don’t know, a year’s time?
Well, if your answer is now, then it may be high time you invested in yourself if whatever you’ve been doing hasn’t quite worked out as you hoped.
Why are we being honest about this? Well, because both myself and Virginia have been in your position, spending over a year working with bad-paying clients with poor attitudes which made our medical writing transition a living hell.
Do you know when you think about going on a diet, but it’s like 4 pm and you’ve already had an unhealthy breakfast and a syrup-filled latte so you think to yourself “Ah yano what, I’ll start tomorrow and instead order a Domino’s tonight”, but you know deep within yourself that there’s no chance in hell you’re going to the gym tomorrow. Well, that’s essentially what you’re doing to yourself by not investing in yourself and bettering your medical writing.

Is investing now right for me?
If you answer “no” to any of the questions below, then investing in a medical writing course or coaching can be of value to you:
- Am I able to make enough money to live on as a freelance medical writer?
- Am I satisfied with the clients I currently work with?
- Am I able to work in my chosen niche?
- Am I able to choose my niche?
- Am I able to provide clients with services that go beyond “writing”?
- Do I know what SEO is?
- Do I know how to manage my finances?
- Do I know how to fix my work-life balance?
If you’ve answered NO to any of the above, then a medical writing course can be your next big step to being a successful medical writer. Luckily, you have us behind your back, making the courses you need to get your ball rolling. Browse through our many courses that answer each and every question above, and find the one that’s tailored to you!
I’m already a medical writer but I still need help
Okay, okay, yes our courses are introductory, but that doesn’t mean the wealth of knowledge we have to offer is limited to the inception of medical writing. If you’re already working as a medical writer but you feel like you need an extra push; whether it be finding better clients, learning a new skill, or else finding your online presence, then why not opt for our 1:1 coaching?
If you need direction in your career, then you can schedule a coaching call with me, Hass, at any time you desire. We’ll talk through your struggles, set you some achievable goals, and work on the methods you’re going to implement to get you to where you want to be as SOON as possible.
Sound good? Find out more about our coaching services!